Worship Ministries

To become part of any of these ministries, please email our Parish Administrator, Tina Chambers.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild’s mission is to create the sacred environment for all who worship at St. Peter’s Church. The Altar Guild offers an opportunity to deepen your worship experience by learning about the holy vessels, vestments, and linens used for our Holy Eucharist. We welcome individuals to serve, as well as families. All new members will receive detailed training and support. Please join us in this sacred ministry!

Co-chairs Beth Janney and Susan Harris


Flower Guild

The St. Peter’s Flower Guild creates beautiful arrangements to enhance the experience of worship. The 2019 Flower Guild poster is now up in the Bracewell Room. Please feel free to add your name to any empty space and schedule flowers to be placed at the altar in memory or honor of a loved one.


Parish Choir

The St. Peter’s Choir is a volunteer group of parishioners who enhance the 10:30AM service on Sunday mornings with music. We meet for rehearsal every Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30PM in the Nave, except during the Summer. The choir is open to anyone in this parish or any interested vocalist who can commit to singing at least two weekends per month. No experience or training is necessary to join, other than a love of singing. Please contact the Director of Music, Tim Hinck, for more information, or simply show up to a Wednesday evening rehearsal.



Acolytes serve at the 10:30AM Service of Eucharist. They lead the congregation by example and assist with some logistical elements of the service. Anyone may serve as an acolyte, starting in Third Grade. The Sacred Order of Acolytes is an annual event which serves as a training for new and current acolytes. It teaches about worship through puzzles and games. Additionally, Acolytes may earn badges for complete various challenges. Please see the Director of Youth Ministry if you or your child are interested in becoming an Acolyte.


Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy in the liturgy. They carry the Gospel Book for the Deacon, they help prepare the altar for communion, and they share in distributing the Eucharistic wine to the congregation.


Lectors and Intercessors

Lectors and Intercessors assist the clergy and congregation in the service. Lectors proclaim God's word to us, reading portions of the Hebrew scriptures or one of the letters of the New Testament. They also lead the congregation in reciting the Psalm. Intercessors take the prayers of God's people and offer them up on behalf of the congregation.


Healing Altar

The Healing Altar is a place where anyone can come to pray for their own healing or for the healing of others. It is in the Tucker Chapel in the Atrium. Specially trained volunteers are available to pray after the 10:30AM services each Sunday. All prayers are kept strictly confidential.


Eucharistic Visitors

Eucharistic visitors bring the blessed elements of the sacrament to those who are unable to worship with us because of illness or some other hardship. They serve to assist those who are kept from being at church in remaining connected to our life and worship.